Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why You Should Think, Write and Grow

Think Write GrowBecoming a thought leader is an excellent way to demonstrate your expertise in your industry, as well as garner new clients. In Grant Butler?s Think Write Grow: How to Become a Thought Leader and Build Your Business by Creating Exceptional Articles, Blogs, Speeches, Books and More, the author (@grantxbutler) explores the importance of becoming a thought leader, as well as how to improve the types of communication that help establish you as a thought leader.

A Thought Leader Himself

Grant Butler is the Founder and Managing Director of Australian-based Editor Group, a company that provides corporate communication (ads, articles, brochures, newsletters, reports, website copy and white papers) for companies. Prior to this, he was a senior journalist with?The Australian Financial Review, as well as held other positions in media and PR. His extensive experience in writing thought leadership materials gave him the expertise for his book.

What You?ll Get Out of This Book

Think Write Grow, which was nominated for the 2012 Small Business Book Awards,?educates readers on what exactly thought leadership is:

?What sets thought leaders apart is that they don?t just think; they go out of their way to share their thoughts with others. They may do this by publishing their views in books or journals, speaking at events, appearing in the media and taking up industry leadership roles such as serving on boards and standards-setting bodies. Most importantly, thought leaders are focused on what?s likely to happen in the future.?

Butler also highlights key types of thought leadership communications, as well as their benefits. He includes:

  • Essays
  • Whitepapers
  • Articles
  • Letters
  • Blogs
  • Speeches
  • Books

He provides ample tips for getting the most out of each of these forms of communication. I found his ?Three Cs? useful for my own writing:

1. Capture the reader?s attention
2. Convince the reader of your case
3. Close with a strong conclusion and ideally a call to action

What I Liked Best

One part thought leadership education, one part writing coaching, this book blends practical writing advice with the bigger picture of why you?d write essays, blogs and books. Butler connects the dots between the actual writing and the marketing you need to do to get the writing in the right hands.

Who Should Read this Book?

If you?ve been interested in becoming better known in your industry, publishing a thought leadership book, or speaking at industry events, this book will guide you on your path to achieving your goals. ?If you?d like tips for being a better writer, regardless of your thought leadership status, this book provides tips for every level of writer.

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