Thursday, September 6, 2012

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Needs You To Believe Her When She Says She Never Said Republicans Are Dangerous For Israel

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Needs You To Believe Her When She Says She Never Said Republicans Are Dangerous For Israel

She never said it.

She never said an Ambassador, Michael Oren, said what Republicans are doing is "dangerous" for Israel, by suggesting that country does not currently have -- due to the occupant of the Oval Office -- America's full support. Michael Oren called her, essentially, a liar. He'd never said that, he swore. The Debster went on Shep Smith to deny she'd ever said such a thing, making something up an and putting it in an ambassador's mouth. She claimed she'd been misquoted by a conservative newspaper (The Washington Times), something that didn't "surprise" her, because, you know, conservatives lie.
I didnt say he said that, Wasserman Schultz, a Florida congresswoman, later insisted to Fox News. She added that inasmuch as the Examiner is a conservative newspaper, it was not surprising they would deliberately misquote me.
Unfortunately for her, there's audio of her saying the thing she never said. The Washington Times -- that conservative newspaper that deliberately lies about things -- recorded her remarks.
Posted by: Ace at 02:48 PM


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