Monday, December 24, 2012

Using Pinterest to Boost Holiday Sales - Internet Business Revolution

Pinterest logo Pinterest in recent years has excited the curiosity in millions of people globally and continues to create ripples in the social networking domain. It has grown at an overwhelming speed and has given E-commerce a new definition so to speak. The impetuous frenzy revolving around Pinterest bestows an excellent platform for store owners that are into online businesses to encash on the global recognition and all embracing splendour to attract concentration to their online business or store.
Let?s try and shed some light on the interesting elements of Pinterest. This is a Pinboard approach or a website where you can indulge in public sharing. It permits members to upload videos, pictures or products and to share them as well, which results in them being unveiled to a wider audience and this in turn aids an online store to get recognised.

So whether you are a novice in the online store world or you have an already established brand, Pinterest has been largely embraced as it serves as an important tool to showcase your brands value proposition and individuality in an attempt to advance sales and shape your business.
With the holiday season just round the block, any business no matter the size who is looking to boost sales and make the most of the festive spirit have to do it the Pinterest way for they have millions of users and an ever flourishing pipeline. If you go by the statistics, close to 80% of users spell female dominance. So from anywhere to fashion trends, hair, makeup, food, fitness, holiday gift collections or to name it what you may, users flock to Pinterest. If you as an online store owner is looking to boost sales in the holiday season you have to know your customer needs and wants and then strategically work towards engaging the users.
What you pin on your board, will be instrumental in enticing and engaging your audience and here knowing your target group can help in many ways. Your pins can get as innovative as it gets and it does not have to be just the products that you intend to sell. You can weave a story through your pins by showing the work culture that you enjoy, the people that work with you and what makes them thrive. Also by including a ?Follow Me on Pinterest? button or a ?Pin It? button you can enable the millions of global consumers to track you and your unique work or product. You can avail these buttons on the ?Goodies? page of Pinterest.
Any social networking medium thrives on a two way communication mechanism and Pinterest is no different as it permits followers to pin from and to your board and soon enough the emotional quotient between you the brand and your follower will only enrich.
Some of the most successful brands are encashing on the hysteria that Pinterest has evoked and your last minute holiday sales can get a giant leap if you do it the Pin way!!!
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