Monday, January 21, 2013

Ruby on Rails: The Perfect Platform for building Innovative Business ...

Technology advances to make life easier and more comfortable for mankind. The world of the internet has been a blessing to enhance business opportunities. This has given rise to the web development trend in every industry - education, finance, healthcare, and the like. Numerous technologies compte with each other to be the best web development tool. Ruby on Rails (RoR) is one such tool that is widely used for developing innovative web apps.

RoR is an open-source framework and proves to be the most ideal tool for developing innovative websites. It brings umpteen possibilities for RoR programmers and makes their work easy. It is a flexible framework and enables developers to effectively showcase their talent on this platform. It makes use of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern to develop new applications and to keep it systematically maintained. It is simple for developers to work on this platform and make robust web apps.

Benefits of RoR for web development

Quick development RoR is written in the Ruby language and is known for rapid web development all across the world. It is possible to complete multiple web projects within a short time span. It increases the efficiency of RoR programmers and enables them to effectively plan their time.

Interactive features Ruby on Rails offers the most effective features for creating new web solutions. It is prominent for its cutting-edge features that simplify the process of creating innovative business applications.

Cost- effective platform RoR is an open-source tool. Therefore, it enables to curtail the developmental costs. The work of developing innovative websites proves to be cost-effective for business in general. Developers can work on this technology in varied ways to make exciting new applications for business needs.

Reliability This framework provides complete safety and reliability to web apps and the information loaded on it. It is a highly scalable platform that enables to deliver high-performance applications.

Lesser Codes This framework enables to create robust web solutions with lesser amount of codes. This involves lesser errors and gives rise to less complexity while creating new apps or developing a new website. Developers enjoy working on this framework as it challenges their skill and talent.

RoR is a cutting-edge technology with rich features and varied functionality. It provides that competitive advantage to business websites and apps that make it stand out from others. Websites built on RoR loads easily and also ranks well among all the major search giants like Google. Ever since it was launched, RoR has made rapid progress. New features are constantly updated to make the platform more versatile and user-friendly.

Softweb Solutions provides excellent Ruby on Rails Web Development services. Our team of expert RoR Programmers can build innovative web solutions to meet your unique business requirements. For more information on RoR Development, contact us at

Article Tags : Ruby on Rails programmers, Ruby on Rails web development


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