Thursday, August 1, 2013

OBAMA TO PUSH CORPORATE TAX REFORM AS PART OF 'GRAND BARGAIN' FOR JOBS -- NYT EDITORIAL scolds Larry Summers allies -- WEINER has no campaign manager -- Jim Rutenberg, Kochel, Chris Battle b'days

DRIVING THE DAY: President Obama speaks at 2 p.m. at the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Chattanooga. Dan Pfeiffer, White House senior adviser, said in a statement: ?As part of his efforts to focus Washington on the middle class, today in Tennessee the President will call on Washington to work on a grand bargain focused on middle class jobs by pairing reform of the business tax code with a significant investment in middle class jobs.?

BACK AT THE RANCH: ?US hosts Israel, Palestinians for peace talks ? Talks resume 10:15 a.m. EDT; Kerry comments at 11 a.m.,? by AP?s Deb Riechmann: ?The new round of talks ? follows six months of shuttle diplomacy to restart negotiations that broke down in 2008. An attempt to restart them in 2010 failed after a single day. And before that, scores of diplomats have failed to broker peace. After five years of diplomatic stalemate, there has been a flurry of activity in recent days to set the stage for the talks that all sides agree will be difficult. ? On Monday, [Secretary of State John] Kerry announced that Martin Indyk, who played key roles in the Clinton administration's multiple -- but unsuccessful -- efforts to broker peace between Israel and Syria and Israel and the Palestinians, has assumed day-to-day responsibility for negotiations. ? State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Monday that Kerry ?believes that time is not our ally. ? As time passes, the situation on the ground becomes more complicated, mistrust deepens and hardens and the conflict becomes even harder to resolve.??

FIRST LOOK: EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy gives her first public speech since being sworn in July 19, at Harvard Law School at 11 a.m. From her prepared remarks: ?This is what we are working to do at EPA, to develop a new thinking ? a new mindset ? about how climate change and environmental protection fits within our national and global economic agenda. Put simply, we need to re-invent how we view the business of climate change. For too long we were presented a false choice: between the health of our children and the health of our economy. The truth is cutting carbon pollution will spark business innovation, resulting in cleaner forms of American-made energy. ? As more businesses embrace the opportunity of climate change, I see a chance to ?bend the curve? of both direct impact on carbon pollution and leveraging public and private sector investment in infrastructure and clean energy ? investments that will, in turn, fuel the complementary goals of turning America into a magnet for new jobs and manufacturing.? Livestreams here

PALACE INTRIGUE ? ?Concern grows for Huma Abedin within Clinton world,? by Maggie Haberman: ?In 2011, Huma Abedin had support from her friends and Clinton associates when she decided to stay with her husband, ? Anthony Weiner. The past week, that support has morphed into concern. Their worry is as much about what she is going through personally ? a rapid turn from years of glowing media coverage of Abedin to front pages questioning her judgment ? as it is about her decision to stand by and encourage politically a husband who several Democrats now believe is way past the point of redemption. ? She remains in charge of running Clinton?s transition team, a slim staff of about a half-dozen aides, some of whom have other jobs ? though she is a full-time employee. The feelings about Weiner in Clintonland are unequivocal, according to one someone close to the couple: ?Everyone?s done with him.? ? [T]he swirl of embarrassing headlines surrounding Weiner and Abedin, combined with attention being paid to her outside consulting work while at the State Department, is proving to be another stress-test of the Clinton infrastructure in a year that was supposed to be relatively quiet ? [T]here has [also] been the ongoing fallout from ? Benghazi? ?

?In the next three months, Hillary Clinton is also expected hit the campaign trail in some form for longtime friend and Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe. All of this is pulling Clinton into the public eye beyond the speeches she?s giving on the paid-to-talk circuit, as she and her husband enter a phase of post-government life in which their family foundation has become their main organization. They are the latest in a series of Pig-Pen-like dust clouds that have seemed to follow the Clintons throughout their careers. But the challenges come at a time when Democratic donors are watching to see if Hillary Clinton can put together a more functional operation than her 2008 campaign. ? At minimum, the level of concern surrounds the judgment she exhibited in encouraging him to run even though he had resumed his sexting habit, as well as taking part in profiles that insinuated his misbehavior ended with his 2011 resignation ? [S]everal other people with ties to the Clintons say Abedin has remained upbeat and professional in email exchanges ? She knows she?s not a ?victim? or a bystander in the drama that has unfolded ? Clinton aides say Abedin remains in her job and will as long as she wants to. And Clinton supporters privately point out that the primary is a mere six weeks away, likely bringing an end to this episode.?

VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN and former Secretary Hillary Clinton are having breakfast at the Naval Observatory at 8:30 a.m.

--PHOTO OF OBAMA and CLINTON before they started their salads yesterday, on the patio outside the Oval Office. Principal Deputy White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said at yesterday?s 1 p.m. briefing, when asked about the menu: ?The White House chef ? whipped up some grilled chicken, some pasta jambalaya, and some salad for them to enjoy during lunch.? I haven't had lunch myself, so that sounds pretty good.?

ANTHONY WEINER gives an interview to N.Y. Daily News columnist Denis Hamill, and is rewarded with a front-page tease of ?INSIDE HIS CAMPAIGN CIRCUS? and an inside headline, ?SCANDAL MAGNET TALKS TO THE NEWS?: ?Q. You look rested. Do you sleep well at night? A. Not great. You learn to turn off your Google alert at night. ? Q. Is there yet another woman's shoe about to drop in this campaign? A. I have no idea. These are people who I thought were friends, people I trusted when I communicated with them. But who knows what they might do now. But none of it is new. It's all old stuff. So I'll be in this race for at least the next 44 days. And I think I can win. ?

?Q. Have you talked to anyone about [taking job of campaign manager, who resigned]? A. No. We have an amazing crew of people. Q. Are you gonna do it yourself? A. No, I have too much stuff going on in my life right now. Listen, the voters don't give a s-t how my campaign is organized. Who the campaign manager is. Leave that for

N.Y. TIMES ENDORSES JANET YELLEN for Fed chair in a tough, harsh lead editorial: ?Despite a campaign from allies both inside and outside the White House, the recent drive to install Lawrence Summers as the next chairman of the Federal Reserve seems to be faltering ? and with good reason: He is not the best person for the job ? But the group behind Mr. Summers does not give up easily. Composed of prot?g?s of Robert Rubin, the former Treasury secretary who was a leader at Citigroup as that institution careened toward its serial bailouts, some of Mr. Summers?s supporters are now pushing the notion that neither Mr. Summers nor Ms. Yellen should get the top Fed job. The idea is that the supposed rivalry between them ? fanned by Mr. Summers?s supporters ? has consumed both of them, requiring a third candidate. That is nonsense. Nothing that has occurred in the past week changes the fact that no one else can match Janet Yellen?s combination of academic credentials and policy-making experience. ?

?What has changed in the past week is that the power dynamics around economic policy-making have become more public than normal. Mr. Rubin and his circle ? including Mr. Summers; Timothy Geithner, Mr. Obama?s first Treasury secretary; and Gene Sperling, currently a top economic adviser to the president ? have dominated economic decisions in both the Clinton and Obama administrations. Most of them were also prominent in Wall Street circles in the George W. Bush years. In the wake of the financial crisis and the Dodd-Frank reform law, the Fed chairmanship has only become more central to the fate of the banks and economy; as a result, they want someone who shares their background and can be counted on to further their views. ? The facts are entirely on Ms. Yellen?s side.?

HAPPENING TONIGHT: Service for Doug Bailey, founder of The Hotline, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at The Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. Speakers will include many generations of Hotliners (Chuck Todd, Bob Balkin, Vaughn Ververs, etc.), plus Lamar Alexander, Al Hunt and Judy Woodruff, Peter Hart and many others. Doug?s wife, Pat (who will speak tonight), and his children, Ed and Kate, write friends: ?Doug was many things to many people ? friend, consultant, crossword guru, visionary, Republican?, mentor, Nats fan, patriot, adversary, Brother, Husband, Dad and Granddad ? For those who want to share their thoughts, there will be an open mic. For those who want to drown their sorrows, there will be plenty of drinks.?

POLITICO, GOOGLE and THE TORY BURCH FOUNDATION announce ?Women Rule? partenership ?exploring how women are leading change in politics, policy and their communities. The program will feature prominent women in power and be brought to life through events, video, print and digital media, polling, social media and products. ?More so now than ever, women are driving the conversation in the political, business and advocacy arenas,? said Kim Kingsley, chief operating officer for POLITICO. ?Women Rule is meant to recognize those women and share the innovative ways they are influencing some of the nation?s most important issues. We could not be more thrilled to partner with such well-respected enterprises as Google and the Tory Burch Foundation for this important project.?

?The cornerstone of Women Rule will be a four-part event series in Washington featuring members of Congress, administration officials, leaders in business and entrepreneurs. ? [A] roundtable conversation will take place at each event modeled on the Tory Burch Foundation?s mentoring events for women entrepreneurs; these discussions will provide an opportunity for influential women to offer advice and guidance to the next generation of leaders. ?Whether it is a new product or a new policy initiative, women are working to change the world every day,? said Susan Molinari, vice president of Government Relations and Public Policy at Google. ? [D]esigner and philanthropist Tory Burch [said:] ?We believe Women Rule will provide a unique opportunity for a variety of women to share their experiences, inspiring conversations that lead to action and meaningful change benefiting all women and their families.??

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PRECISION STRATEGIES (partners: Stephanie Cutter, Teddy Goff, Jen O?Malley Dillon) names two new principals: Zach Wineburg, ?a veteran organizer and campaign manager who has experience on races at every level. This includes managing the reelection of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in 2008, stints at the DSCC and DGA, and working on both Iowa Caucus campaigns for John Edwards. Zach was part of President Obama?s 2012 re-election team in ? Iowa, where he oversaw the longest Early Vote period in the country. He holds his masters from Harvard?s Kennedy School of Government.?

--Caitlin Legacki, ?with experience in traditionally red and purple states. In 2012, Caitlin served as Communications Director for Sen. Claire McCaskill?s re-election campaign ? Caitlin previously worked for Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Kay Hagan, as well as Rep. Bruce Braley. She is a proud graduate of the University of North Carolina.?

OBAMA ALUMNI NEWS: Elizabeth Lowery, former deputy national finance director for Obama for America, joins MWW, an independent public-relations firm, as senior vice president of corporate affairs, in Washington office: After campaign, she ?went on to serve as the Finance Director for the 2013 Presidential Inaugural Committee. During the 2010 election cycle, she served as the Finance Director for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. ? Earlier in her career, Lowery served as a Regional Finance Director for Hillary Clinton?s Presidential campaign. A longtime aide to Former U.S. Congressman Harold Ford, Jr., Lowery served as National Finance Director during his run for the United States Senate in 2006. Originally from Huntsville, Ala., she graduated from the University of Alabama with a degree in Business.?

HOUSE GOP PLANS FOR AUGUST: ?Fighting Washington for All Americans? is the theme of the House Republican Conference?s blueprint for lawmakers? August recess. The materials encourage members to hold events that include an ?Emergency Health Care Town Hall ? on the negative effects of ObamaCare,? and a ?Conversation with Groups Potentially Targeted by the IRS.? Another suggestion is an ?ObamaCare Media Tour?: ?Confirm the theme(s) prior to the event and make sure the participants will be 100% on message. [Note: While they do not have to be Republicans, they need to be able to discuss the negative effects of ObamaCare on their employees.]? House GOP Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers writes: ?We?re on offense on so many fronts right now. ? This kit is a playbook to help you plan five weeks of events and supporting messaging tactics.? See the 31-page packet.

2016 WATCH ? ?Paul: Christie hiding behind 9/11,? by Hadas Gold: ?Rand Paul is stepping up his attacks on Chris Christie ? ?It?s really, I think, kind of sad and cheap that he would use the cloak of 9/11 victims and say: ?I?m the only one who cares about these victims.? Hogwash,? Paul said on Monday to Sean Hannity on Fox News. ?If he cared about protecting this country, maybe he wouldn?t be in this ?give me, give me, give me all of the money? that you have in Washington or don?t have and he would be more fiscally responsive and know the way we defend our country.? Last week, Christie criticized Paul?s opposition to warrantless federal surveillance programs, saying it harmed efforts to prevent terrorism. He invited those opposed to the programs to ?come to New Jersey and sit across from the widows and the orphans and have that conversation.? On Monday, Paul said ?it?s not very smart? for Republicans to be attacking Republicans:? Christie ?may have heard that, you know, the Republican Party is on life support in the Northeast. Republicans are in danger of becoming an endangered species.??

MEDIAWATCH ? ?Sinclair to buy Allbritton TV stations for almost $1 billion,? by Reuters? Jennifer Saba: ?Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc said it will acquire eight television stations [including WJLA ABC7 in D.C.] from the Allbritton family for $985 million, the latest deal in a flurry of activity to buy local broadcasters. Allbritton, which is also the publisher of Politico, has 9 ABC affiliated broadcast TV stations, including those that simulcast in markets throughout the United States, including Birmingham, Alabama, and Tulsa, Oklahoma. It also operates a 24-hour cable news network [NewsChannel 8] in Washington, D.C., considered the jewel of the portfolio. ? Baltimore-based Sinclair is the largest U.S. TV broadcasting group, with stations in Minneapolis, Salt Lake City and Austin.?

--L.A. Times A1, top of col. 1, ??PIOLIN? EXIT FOLLOWS WORKER CLAIM: The popular radio host is accused of sexual harassment and more by a performer,? by Reed Johnson and Meg James: ?Spanish-language radio personality Eddie ?Piolin? Sotelo's mysterious departure from the airwaves last week came after a performer on his nationally syndicated program accused him of sexual harassment ? Alberto ?Beto? Cortez, a writer, producer and performer on the popular ?Piolin por la Manana? radio program, alleged that his boss Sotelo was ?physically, sexually and emotionally harassing? him for a three-year period ending last January. The claim was made in an April 16 letter from Cortez attorney Robert R. Clayton to executives Roberto Llamas and Jose Valle of Univision ? Cortez alleged that Sotelo ordered members of his radio production team to falsify letters in support of a high-profile campaign for congressional immigration reform, an issue that Sotelo championed on his program. ? He has been married for 17 years. ? Some listeners were put off by the show's clownish antics and by what they regarded as its condescending representation of Mexican American culture.?

--POLITICO?s Susan Glasser and Blake Hounsell, deputy editor of the forthcoming POLITICO Magazine, email the staff: ?We?re delighted to announce that Janet Michaud will join POLITICO as the creative director of our new magazine. Janet, the longtime design director of the Washington Post and a former art director at Time magazine and the Boston Globe, will start Aug. 19 ? and she will be a key partner in this exciting new project from the start. Janet, who?s collected a whole set of design awards over her stellar career, is a terrific evangelist for the power of great design to enhance and amplify and showcase great journalism, and we are looking forward to working with her as we take POLITICO magazine from concept to launch, in print and online, over the next few months.?

BIRTHDAYS: David ?Landslide? Kochel is 49 (hat tips: Maggie Haberman, Tim Miller, Tim Albrecht) ? Chris Battle is 45, in Savannah with family including his wife, Dena, and daughters Kate and Josie (h/t, Spicer, Bonjean, Walsh, Hensely, Platt, Heye, Courtney, Barnett, Olive, Mascott, Solsby, Kinzel, Dealey, Raimondi, Hanretty) ? Jim Rutenberg ? Bloomberg News' Freeman Klopott? (hat tip: Patrick Gavin) ... Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig is 79 ? movie director Peter Bogdanovich is 74 ? Eleanor Smeal is 74 ? former U.S. Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo.) is 73 ? singer Paul Anka is 72 ? Arnold Schwarzenegger is 66 ? Delta Burke is 57 ? Anita Hill is 57 (h/ts AP)

BIRTHDAY TOMORROW: Dan Schnur (h/t Kerstyn Olson) ? SUNDAY: Brett Loper, formerly of the Speaker's office, now with American Express, is 4-0. (hat tip: Ginger, Grace, Kate, and Sarah Clayton) ? MONDAY: Pete Snyder , CEO of Disruptor Capital and Cuccinelli Finance Co-Chair, is 41 (h/t wife Burson Taylor Snyder)

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