Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lifestyles of the Japanese (2011 version): part 2 of 3

How do you think your home life will change in the future? graph of japanese statisticsThe Cabinet Office Japan recently released the results of a survey they conducted into citizens? lifestyles. I translated a survey on the same topic in 2009, 2007, and 2005, if you wish to cross-reference.


Between the 13th of October and the 6th of November 2011 10,000 members of the public who were randomly selected from resident registers were approached for interview. Of that number, 6,212 people actually took part in the survey, conducted by means of face-to-face interviews. 53.9% of the sample were female, 8.7% in their twenties, 13.9% in their thirties, 17.2% in their forties, 15.8% in their fifties, 21.7% in their sixties, 16.5% in their seventies, and 6.1% aged eighty or older. Furthermore 71.7% of the sample were married, 13.0% divorced or widowed, 15.1% unmarried, and 0.2% did not answer. Additionally, 77.9% had children, including those that were adults or not living with them. Although 34.5% said they used the internet from a computer almost every day and 39.0% used the internet from mobile devices almost every day, there was also 45.2% and 42.8% who never used it at all from computers and from mobile devices respectively.

Having said in part one that people seem more satisfied than I would have thought, there is definite pessimism when it comes to the future, a feeling that I share, as do other foreigners.

Research results

Q7: How do you think your home life compares to the average household? (Sample size=6,212)

Well above the norm 0.9%
A little above the norm 11.8%
Average 56.1%
A little below the norm 24.3%
Well below the norm 5.3%
Don?t know 1.7%

Q8: How do you think your home life will change in the future? (Sample size=6,212)

Become better 8.7%
Stay pretty much the same 57.7%
Get worse 30.8%
Don?t know 2.8%

Q9: In the future, into what sort of areas of your lifestyle do you particularly want to exert effort? (Sample size=6,212, multiple answer)

Leisure activities 35.8%
Income or salary 33.1%
Savings 30.7%
Self-development 27.9%
Food 26.5%
Home life 25.1%
Car, electrical goods, furniture and other durable consumer goods 8.3%
Clothing 6.2%
Other 1.5%
Nothing in particular 9.0%
Don?t know 1.5%

Q10: Regarding enriching material possessions and enriching your heart in your future daily life, which of the following two ways of thinking is closest to your way of thinking? (Sample size=6,212)

As I already have sufficient stuff, I want to emphasise enriching my heart and having a leisurely lifestyle 61.4%
I want to emphasise enriching my material possessions 31.0%
I can?t say either applies 6.4%
Don?t know 1.2%

Q11: In the future, do you want to put effort into saving for the future or effort into enjoying your daily life? (Sample size=6,212)

Saving for the future 31.5%
Enjoying fully my daily life 61.0%
I can?t say either applies 6.8%
Don?t know 0.7%

Q12: In your opinion, normally with whom and how is the best way to live in old age? (Sample size=6,212)

Live with son (and wife if applicable) 13.7%
Live near son (and wife if applicable) 7.9%
Live with daughter (and husband if applicable) 6.0%
Live near daughter (and husband if applicable) 6.6%
Live with either son or daughter is fine 5.8%
Live near either son or daughter is fine 18.2%
Live separate from children 34.5%
Don?t know 7.4%
Read more on: cabinet office japan


Related articles:

  • Lifestyles of the Japanese (2011 version): part 1 of 3
  • Office software at work
  • Lifestyles of the Japanese (2007 version): part 1 of 3
  • Television program recording: part 1 of 2
  • Source:

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