Thursday, May 24, 2012

Species of Messiah [plus more]

Beyond Messiah

[Now temporarily accepting character reservations] An Adventure in the making for those who enjoy a character driven plot full of good old fashioned imagination and fantasy/adventure thrill.


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List of Species in Messiah:

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{The view of species and places is generalised and does not count for individual differences. Therefore your own characters may differ and disagree with such views. I've left quite a few species brief so players can make up things by themselves. If you're sharing your species with other players please do not forget to communicate with them}


Elves are very intelligible but ignorant creatures. Living in a tightly knitted society the majority of Elves exist in Ville. The Elves are a very moral species and abide by their laws and heirarchies religiously. Social status is extremely important to them therefore you won't find an Elf who disregards their place in the social heirarchy. A way of displaying physical importance is to have short hair. Elves who have short hair are of high importance and Elves who have long hair are of low or no importance.
Importance/status is gained through being a member of the council or through being high up in the army. Wealth does not gain you importance. You could be the wealthiest Elf in all of Ville and still have hair flowing down to your toes! Status is earnt through the approval of the society.

There are two kinds of Elf. Long eared and short eared. Long eared elves are naturally inferior to short eared elves. Why this is I'm not so sure but every society has it's petty segrogations. Having long ears makes it much more difficult to gain any kind of status in society but some of these elves have managed it.
(Why some elves are born with long ears instead of short is almost like asking why someone was born with big ears instead of small- natural mutation of the genes over time)

Elves were once human. They have evolved since the dark ages through the use of natural magic and have since departed from their origins to create a new species.

General view of other species and places:


It's not unheard of for Elves to look down on their origins. They sometimes view humans as inferior, undeveloped creatures in comparison to themselves.

They find both Nymphs and Water shrews to be neutral creatures but envy them for their 'intimacy with nature'.

Any other species they are unaware of and are yet to make judgement over.

They find mechanic city repulsive.
They find the Isle of facination to be an embarrasing place for debaunchry and other such things and keep well away.
They find Ramsdale Prison to be a typical result of human law. To imprison kinds into a cage like animals.


Nymph's are the physical version of tree spirits. One of the most nature inclined creatures to walk Messiah they can understand nature and bend it to their will. (move trees etc) They live in small settlements but it's not uncommon for them to wonder alone. Free as the wind they dont fool around with many laws. Nymphs are creatures of old and live for a lengthy amount of time. They are land creatures and cannot swim so fear vast amounts of water.

General view of other species and places:


Nymphs find humans to be young, clumsy creatures who struggle to learn from past mistakes. Like fashion they go around in circles.

Elves are ignorant creatures. They think they are in touch with nature when infact they are ignoring the majority of it. Selfish on their island they fail to help other creatures therefore forgetting that nature isn't just trees and plants.

Water shrews keep to themselves. They don't communicate often. The nymths stay in their forests and the water shrews keep to their ponds.


Mechanic city is faraway from any forest so not many Nymphs have been there. They can see it from the tops of tall trees through. A bright light in the distance reflecting the sun.

Isle of facination is full of wildlife and nature and so it isnt uncommon for adventurous Nymphs to live there. They find it very exciting and after decades of chilling in a forest talking to trees it's certainly refreshing for them to play amongst young creatures.

The Nymphs were chased from the island that holds ramsdale long ago by the rowdy creatures who built it. The sudden disturbance sent them fleeing to the outskirts. They didnt wish for the prison to be built on their land. Those who know of it do not hold fond memories of the place.

Water shrew:

These are water based creatures who can survive for shocking amounts of time under-water like a fish. They do need to surface though. Water shrews live in a neutral society with its own laws. (more laws than that of a nymth but less than an elf) They are also creatures of old and live for a long time. They live in beautiful underwater villages and have a peaceful existance below the water-line.

General view of other species and places


Water shrews are very dis-interested in other species. If they hold opinions for any of them it's very much their own opinions.


Same goes for places. Water shrews dont often wonder above land. Like the elves they are quite happy to live in their own little worlds.

Occupations, species and individuals who dislike one another generally:

Sky pirates and Dragons riders: DISLIKE : Both want to rule the skies and disapproval of the other. Sky pirates think Dragon riders are rogues on the backs of beasts looking for a jail sentence with their irresponsible, dangerous flying techniques. Dragon riders think Sky pirates are villians in little wooden tubs content on plundering the skies with their ugly flying pieces of wood. Both live together and scwabble constantly.

Elves and Humans: DISLIKE : It's an origin thing.

Naaw, whaddya mean there's no food...

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